“Relaxed and
comfortable” was the mantra of John Howard’s government, but looking back at
what was clearly Australia’s golden decade, “reliable and competent” might be a
more accurate moniker.
By and large, the
previous Coalition government could be relied upon to deliver its election
commitments in a competent fashion, to the benefit of the economy and the
community. Of itself, this sounds a rather mundane and unimpressive boast.
Isn’t that what all governments are supposed to do? But as we get well into the
fifth year of Labor’s tumultuous and destructive period in office, “reliable
and competent” appear goals as distant and unattainable for this government to
achieve as Thorpie’s recent quest for another Olympic gong.
unreliable” and “managerially incompetent” would be a more accurate description
of almost every federal initiative undertaken. The Rudd era fiascos of pinks
batts, the ETS, and Grocerywatch seem like quaint slip-ups when compared to the
latest multi-million dollar mishaps of Gillard, Swan, Conroy et al.
Whether it be the
disgraceful duplicity of the Australia Network tendering process, the ongoing
pork-barreling of the NBN with its whiteboard-style choice of which lucky Labor
electorate gets what and when, the teeth-grinding behavior of Fair Work
Australia, the inexcusable refusal of the government to front up to the Craig
Thomson allegations, the Machiavellian maneuverings over who gets what out of
the mining tax, or the vast sums being squandered before the carbon tax has
even been introduced to keep the energy companies onside, what typifies Labor’s
actions is a sly disdain for the truth combined with breathtaking ineptitude and
financial recklessness.
The list goes on. Unions
running amok. Business disquiet over the mooted diesel rebate removal. The abandonment
of genuine, much-needed tax reform. The stuff-ups over asylum seekers, cattle
exports, and gaffes such as threatening PNG sanctions. At every turn, in stark
contrast to its predecessor, this government manages to be either unreliable in
its commitments or incompetent in their implementation.
It requires no
effort of imagination to predict that the big ticket items, the MRRT, the
carbon tax and the NBN, will be as clumsily implemented as all Labor’s other
ill-prepared and rushed-through schemes. Lack of consultation, a failure to
anticipate problems and a fingers-crossed-behind-the-back management style will
continue to be their hallmark, with inevitable consequences.
A billion lost
here, a couple of hundred million gone there. Taxpayers’ hard-earned wealth is
being frittered away through errors of judgment at an alarming rate. Meanwhile,
business groups warn that our overseas competitors are eagerly poised to take full
advantage of our self-inflicted imposts, whilst inevitably, investment in
exploration for new mines is heading to cheaper fields abroad.
The tragedy for
Australian prosperity is that there is one area where the Gillard team will always
remain reliable and competent; clinging onto power through whatever means it
takes. Miraculously, the carbon tax “compensation” payouts will competently
deliver a bucktload of cash at precisely the right time for the next election.
You can rely on it.
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